Secure Real-Time Textcollaboration

posted in #eGovernment, Mobile & Cloud on the 3.11.2017

Tool for demonstrating secure real-time textcollaboration.

Google Docs and Office 365 come to mind on cloud-based data processing. The success of different people editing a single document at the same time, however, seems merely restrained by concerns about data confidentiality. This project gives an overview of current approaches to secure real-time text-collaboration available in science and industry and distills a list of remaining challenges. Based on these findings, an architecture to tackle these challenges is proposed. All in all, the presented demonstrator helps understanding real-time text-collaboration better and the discussion of remaining challenges lead the way to a secure solution.


Demonstrator (deactivated)


File Description File size
pdf Project report (DE) Version 1.0 from 03.10.2017 (German only)
352 KB