Analysis of the Android Privacy Sandbox

posted in #IT Security, Mobile & Cloud on the 17.06.2024

With the Android Privacy Sandbox, Google is introducing a new technology designed to improve the privacy of Android device users. At its core, the Privacy Sandbox introduces a new technology called SDK Runtime. The aim of this runtime is to isolate advertising libraries integrated by applications from the application itself. As a result, it should no longer be possible for advertising libraries to access data that has been granted to an application, for example through the granting of permissions by the user. This report analyses how the SDK Runtime is implemented on a technical level. Experiments are also carried out to determine which changes were made to the programming interface. In particular, it examines what information can still be retrieved in order to create a fingerprint of a device.


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pdf Project Report (DE) Version 1.0 of 14.06.2024 (German only)
496 KB