Secure development of AI services

posted in #eGovernment, IT Security, Services on the 22.02.2023

AI-based services can reduce time and costs on the part of government agencies and private companies, while increasing user satisfaction. However, by their very nature, they also carry risks, especially when personally identifiable information (PII) is processed. Accordingly, it is important that security and compliance requirements are considered and adhered to during their development.
In traditional software development, there are frameworks for this purpose that simplify the secure development of services. However, these cannot be applied one-to-one to AI-based services. The goal of this study is therefore to find out which options exist for the secure development of AI services and whether their implementation is also carried out in practice. The results are reviewed and room for further research as well as proposed solutions are identified.


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pdf Secure Development of AI Services (DE) 445 KB