Secure Peer-to-Peer communication

posted in #IT Security on the 12.11.2014

This project proposes a flexible and modular approach for existing peer-to-peer frameworks to enable a secure communication using well-established and proven protocols and algorithms. It introduces an interoperability layer where existing peer-to-peer frameworks and transport security protocols can be plugged in seamlessly and analyses the components of end-to-end security protocols. Finally a proof-of-concept application using the proposed framework is introduced which enables peers to establish secure connections with different types of identities. It can be found in the download area.

Proof-of-Concept Application

The download section contains three P2P Secure Communication Application packets. One common file, which includes all necessary libabries and two platform specific files, including the required JRE (Java 8 including JavaFX). All packets include two start scripts run-client1 and run-client2. run-client1 starts the master node and needs to be connected before run-client2 is executed. Further details to the application can be found in the report document.


File Description File size
pdf Project Report Version 1.3 of 30.10.2014
803 KB
zip Application Version 1.0 of 06.08.2014 (Java - All platforms)
10 MB
zip Application - with JRE Version 1.0 of 06.08.2014 (Java - x86 Version with JRE)
56 MB