The Role of Verifiable Data Registries in the Verifiable Credential Ecosystem

posted in #eID & eSignature on the 3.06.2024

Verifiable data registries are defined in the W3C-VC data model and manage all data related to the creation and verification of verifiable credentials, such as trusted credential schemes, public keys of trusted issuers, revocation registries, etc. One of the advantages of this definition is that it is comprehensive and flexible enough to enable tailored verifiable data registries to manage Verifiable Credential data and to accommodate a whole range of different options; from trusted centralized databases to distributed databases and ledgers, such as blockchains. As part of this project, we explore the different trust registry options for managing Verifiable Credential data and identify the benefits and limitations of the alternative storage systems for different trust frameworks.


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pdf Project Report (EN) 550 KB