Traces on the Internet

posted in #IT Security on the 16.08.2017

A study deals with daily activities on the Internet, which leave traces, and shows how these can be used to identify individuals. Subsequently, different methods and concepts for to avoid traces on the Internet are described. Further, implementations, which help to browse the Web anonymously, are discussed. Finally, gained insights are presented and a conclusion is drawn.

Almost all activities on the Internet leave traces, which, when combined accordingly, can help identify an individual with sufficient certainty. One of the main reasons for this is that the technical foundation of the Internet dates back when privacy and data protection was not considered. However, most components involved are considered as critical infrastructure. Thus, they cannot simply be replaced. As a result, additional measures need to be taken, in order to keep one’s identity secret and to leave as little traces as possible. Especially on application level, a lot of traces are left.


File Description File size
pdf Study (DE) Version 1.0 of 31.12.2016 (German only)
1 MB