Migrating Edge Computing to Hybrid Edge Computing

posted in #Mobile & Cloud on the 9.05.2017

This project shows that approaches, as they are followed by Edge Computing and Mobile Edge Computing are insufficient and further advancements are required.
The result is a new model, Hybrid Mobile Edge Computing, combining the advantages of previous approaches as well as Edge Computing. Hybrid Mobile Edge Computing especially aims at offloading frameworks.

Currently, various ways exist to offload computationally intensive tasks to remote computers. The goals of these approaches are similar: increase performance and reduce energy consumption.
Furthermore, is was discovered that moving computing units in the proximity of the users is beneficial and is key to achieve best possible results. These revelations form the baseline for the Edge Computing paradigm.


File Description File size
pdf Project Report (DE) Version 1.0 of 8.5.2017 (German only)
909 KB