Overview of Modern Cryptocurrencies

posted in #IT Security, Mobile & Cloud on the 23.05.2018

This study gives an overview of cryptocurrencies that are optimized for privacy or scalability. In detail, this study covers the for privacy optimized cryptocurrencies Dash, Monero, PIVX and Zcash as well as the for scalability optimized cryptocurrencies IOTA and Nano. All introduced cryptocurrencies are compared to Bitcoin regarding privacy and scalability. The presented cryptocurrencies have been selected from over 1.000 cryptocurrencies, based on their features and their relevance on the market. This way we can provide a long-lasting overview in this dynamical environment. The study shows that currently no single cryptocurrency solved both issues.


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pdf Project Report (DE) Version 1.0 of 23.05.2018 (German only)
1,021 KB